New Life for an Old Plane
First Air Force One will be restored to “as new” condition – like it just came off the assembly line or better. According to Rod Moyer, Director of Flight Safety, “When she arrived, we first identified aircraft systems that would never be used again and removed them: pressurization, autopilot, deicing. We take a very systematic approach. Engines are being overhauled, new wiring installed throughout, replumbing of hydraulic lines. When completed, every inch of the airplane will look brand new.”
The interior will look period authentic, almost exactly like it did when President Eisenhower was in it. His granddaughter, Mary Jean Eisenhower, is heavily involved with the project and has provided her family’s collection of photographs depicting their time on board. Visitors will be able to walk into the president’s office, view the cockpit, and capture the feel of the President’s impact on world history.
“Every vintage airplane has a story – a ‘soul’ representing experiences and people,” Rod continues. “It’s not just a collection of aluminum and rivets. The mission transcends the tangible piece of metal – this airplane will be a legacy gift to the American people when she is flying again.”
With Your Help, We Can Restore First Air Force One To Its Former Glory
First Air Force One will fly across the nation as a reminder of America’s role in today’s world. This aircraft symbolizes optimism and belief in the American dream that bolsters the human spirit – a message that reaches across generations. In the years ahead, we can look forward to the days when First Air Force One joins the air show circuit; when school children step inside and fall in love with aviation; when veterans can sit under the wing to relive the stories of their service to our country.
First Air Force One: The History

As the presidential aircraft, First Air Force One boasted an elegant interior with luxurious finishes and buttons to activate a phone that could connect to landlines at airport terminals. President Eisenhower flew 63,844 miles aboard this iconic aircraft and his famous “Atoms for Peace” speech was written on board. It was delivered to the United Nations General Assembly on December 8, 1953, after he met with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and French Premier Joseph Laniel where they discussed how to use atomic energy for peaceful purposes.
The Vintage Team is going through every inch of the aircraft – everything will be either repaired, restored or replaced. First Air Force One will participate in air shows nationwide, commemorative flyovers, and educate visitors about this critical period in America’s history and this time of American Exceptionalism.
Your investment in this project will allow us to leave a legacy to future generations of dignity, freedom, and peace through America’s role in today’s world.